SBI Chairman Dinesh Khara announced that approximately 85% of the 12,000 freshers expected to join the State Bank of India (SBI) in the fiscal year 2025 are engineering graduates. The bank plans to onboard these freshers for roles such as probationary officers and associates, with a focus on providing training and opportunities in both business and IT functions.
Khara clarified that while a significant proportion of the new hires are engineering graduates, there is no deliberate bias in favor of engineers. Instead, the bank exposes them to banking operations and then assigns them roles based on their aptitude and temperament, whether in business or IT.
This emphasis on technology-related roles comes as the banking sector increasingly relies on technology to enhance customer experiences and streamline operations. SBI aims to ensure a continuous supply of tech manpower by training and channelizing fresh recruits into relevant roles.
Furthermore, the decrease in attrition rates in the IT sector has led to lower hiring by technology firms despite the availability of a high number of engineering graduates. SBI invests heavily in training its workforce and has an in-house institute dedicated to imparting technology skills.
Khara emphasized the importance of staying ahead of the curve in technology, especially considering the high volume of transactions handled by the bank. He highlighted the regulatory guidance received by the bank regarding technology-related aspects, underscoring the importance of technology in banking operations.