Samsung India on Thursday launched a Samsung Innovation Lab at Delhi Technological University (DTU) that will focus on collaborative research and training. At the lab, students and faculty at DTU will work on advanced technology training as well as joint research collaborations on domains such as application framework, multimedia, health and security, thereby making students industry-ready, a statement said.
Samsung engineers and DTU students will also work on innovative sustainable research projects to solve real-life problems that can benefit society. Collaborative research projects will be open to BTech, MTech and PhD students at DTU, they will receive certificates for their contribution at the end of each project.
With this addition, Samsung now has eight technical labs across the country as part of its Samsung Innovation Campus initiative that was earlier called Samsung Digital Academy
The other Samsung Innovation Labs are present in IIT-Delhi, IIT-Kanpur, IIT-Hyderabad, IIT-Kharagpur, IIT-Roorkee and IIT-Guwahati and IIT-Jodhpur, and have trained over 1,000 students so far.
As part of the lab, engineers at Samsung R&D Institute, Noida (SRI-N) will work on collaborative research projects with DTU students and faculty on smartphone domains based on cutting edge technology areas such as artificial intelligence, machine learning and computer vision.