Melvano, an AI-based learning app, developed by an IIT-Madras alumnus Taran Singh, has launched an online All India Test Series (AITS) for the JEE aspirants on Monday. Students preparing to take the JEE main and advanced exams can easily take the exams for free until May.
NTA has recently released the new pattern for JEE Main 2021 for all the candidates. Physics, Chemistry, and Math will contain 30 questions in each section.
The three subjects are divided into two sections. Section A will have 20 MCQs and section B will have 10 numerical value answers-based questions where candidates have to attempt 5 questions.
The marking scheme for section A is +4 for the correct answer and -1 for an incorrect answer, whereas for section B, each correct answer carries +4 with no negative marking.
Melvano offers Foundation courses, crash courses, Test series and Personal mentoring. Students can improve their score with help of Foundation courses and crash courses. The Melvano app uses artificial intelligence to find weak areas of students and creates customized coursework for them, which reduces preparation time for exams. The biggest advantage of Melvano is that each student gets a personal IIT mentor who guides them throughout the course, keeps a track of performance, and rigorously train them to help them crack JEE.
Melvano was incubated under Nirmaan, the pre-incubation cell of IIT Madras and has raised 1cr seed funds till date. They are in talks to raise $1 Million from VCs to expand into other exam segments.