The National Testing Agency has added two overseas examination centres for the JEE Main March session. The three centres are located at Kargil and Ladakh, Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia, Abuja and Lagos in Nigeria. NTA, in a notice informed, this facility has been provided on the request of candidates facing hardships due to Covid-19.
The application process for JEE Main 2021 March session started on Monday. Interested candidates can apply online at on or before March 6. Unlike the previous sessions, the application correction facility will not be available once the submission date is over. NTA in its notification mentioned that the March and April session will be held only for paper 1 (B.E./B.Tech). “The candidates wishing to appear again for paper 2A (B.Arch) and 2B (B. Planning) will have the next opportunity to apply during the May session (session-4) application process,” read the NTA notification.
JEE Main will be next held from March 15 to 18, April 27 to 30, May 24 to 28. This year, the paper pattern has also been changed. The candidates have to attempt 75 questions out of 90 or 25 out of questions 30 in each section of chemistry, physics and mathematics.
The paper usually has 25 questions each from chemistry, physics, and mathematics, but from this year, it will contain 30 questions.
JEE Main February session result is expected to release in March. The candidate’s ranking will be calculated based on the best marks scored in any of the four attempts.